Grier Field Maintenance

Deerlick Astronomy Village 3080 Aaron Grier Rd., Crawfordville, GA, United States

Grier's Field will be closed, to all members,  from Thursday Noon September 26 through Sunday 600pm September 29 for field maintenance and preparation for the PSSG.

PSSG – Peach State Star Gaze 30th Aniversary

Deerlick Astronomy Village 3080 Aaron Grier Rd., Crawfordville, GA, United States

The 30th Anniversary of the Peach State Star Gaze will begin on Sunday September 29 at Noon. This event requires registration and payment prior to September 15th. Details will be provided when available. The PSSG is a week long Star Party open to amateur and professional astronomers. Details and registration are provided on the club […]

DAV Radio Astronomy Star Party

DAV will hold its first radio astronomy star party. All interested parties are invited to join us on October 17-19 for all things radio astronomy. We'll have Radio Jove antenna's on the field with experts to explain and demonstrate operation. Cost to attend the event to be determined.

Atlanta Astronomy Club Dark Sky Observing

Deerlick Astronomy Village 3080 Aaron Grier Rd., Crawfordville, GA, United States

A night for your personal observing program under the darkest skies in Northern Georgia. In order to protect the dark skies & out of respect for your fellow observers, NO WHITE LIGHTS are permitted on the observing field after sunset - that includes car interior lights & cell phones. Use red lights only. You can […]

GT College Night

Deerlick Astronomy Village 3080 Aaron Grier Rd., Crawfordville, GA, United States