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Optec Pyxis 3-inch Camera Field Rotator

Optec Pyxis 3-inch Camera Field Rotator

I replaced my OTA and no longer have the needed backfocus to use my Optec Pyxis 3-inch camera field rotator.…
Total views: 32
Price: $1,500.00
Optec TCF-s 2-inch Temperature Compensating Focuser

Optec TCF-s 2-inch Temperature Compensating Focuser

I have an Optec TCF-s 2-inch temperature compensating focuser that I have used in my Observatory until the Camera equipment…
Total views: 21
Price: $500.00
Optec Pyxis 2-inch Camera Field Rotator

Optec Pyxis 2-inch Camera Field Rotator

I have a used Optec Pyxis 2-inch rotator for sell. Used in my observatory until the camera equipment got too…
Total views: 42
Price: $500.00